IF 收录期刊
Authors Dhand R, Eicher J, Hänsel M, Jost I, Meisenheimer M, Wachtel H
Received 12 October 2018
Accepted for publication 31 January 2019
Published 5 March 2019 Volume 2019:14 Pages 509—523
DOI https://doi.org/10.2147/COPD.S190639
Checked for plagiarism Yes
Review by Single-blind
Peer reviewers approved by Dr Justinn Cochran
Peer reviewer comments 4
Editor who approved publication: Dr Richard Russell
Purpose: The Respimat is a handheld,
propellant-free, soft-mist inhaler. Observations by patients and physicians
prompted development of an improved second-generation Respimat inhaler.
Human-factor studies assessing the usability of the new inhaler and
in vitro assessment of aerosol performance are important to demonstrate
functionality of the updated inhaler.
Methods: Studies
were performed to assess any possible impact of the reusable Respimat inhaler
design on aerosol performance (delivered dose [DD] and fine-particle dose
[FPD]) and iteratively assess and improve usability of the new design. The
tiotropium–olodaterol inhalation solution for Respimat was used as a model. The
DD and FPD of the reusable Respimat inhaler (across multiple cartridges) and
the disposable Respimat inhaler were determined by laser diffraction and with
an alternative Andersen cascade impactor. Usability was measured across three
studies involving health care professionals and patients with diagnoses of
COPD, asthma, or combined disease (with and without experience with the
Respimat inhaler). These studies measured performance of handling tasks and
collected subjective feedback directly related to the inhaler’s new or altered
features, which fed into optimization of the inhaler.
Results: DDs
of tiotropium and olodaterol were stable up to 15 cartridges and consistently
within the upper and lower limits of the disposable Respimat inhaler. The FPD
was also found to be batch-consistent over the cartridges and comparable with
the reference. The usability of the reusable Respimat inhaler compared with the
disposable inhaler was improved in terms of assembly and daily use. Cartridge
exchange was rated as intuitive and easy to very easy.
Conclusion: The
new reusable Respimat is a medical inhaler developed with enhanced features
that meets health care professionals’ and patients’ needs. Drug delivery across
multiple cartridges is not affected by the design. Compared with the original
disposable inhaler, the usability of the reusable inhaler has been improved,
and cartridge exchange was rated as easy to perform. The reusable Respimat
provides greater convenience for patients vs the disposable inhaler, with
reduced environmental impact.
Keywords: inhalers,
soft mist, SMI, handling, environment
摘要视频链接:Respimat inhaler