
Skin hydration is significantly increased by a cream formulated to mimic the skin’s own natural moisturizing systems


Authors Spada F, Barnes TM, Greive KA

Received 19 June 2018

Accepted for publication 15 August 2018

Published 15 October 2018 Volume 2018:11 Pages 491—497

DOI https://doi.org/10.2147/CCID.S177697

Checked for plagiarism Yes

Review by Single-blind

Peer reviewers approved by Dr Colin Mak

Peer reviewer comments 3

Editor who approved publication: Dr Jeffrey Weinberg

Background: Moisturizers are topical products designed to improve and maintain the skin barrier function and to help prevent dry skin.
Materials and methods: A new moisturizer (Ceramide cream) was formulated containing ingredients which mimic the skin’s own natural moisturizing systems. Corneometry was performed at baseline, 2, 4, 6 and 24 hours following a single application of Ceramide cream to healthy skin, and compared to three reference moisturizers available over-the-counter, and placebo. Transepidermal water loss (TEWL) was also measured following a single application of Ceramide cream compared to baseline, and its safety was assessed by repeat insult patch test, ophthalmologist and pediatric testing.
Results: A single topical application of either the Ceramide cream or the three reference moisturizers resulted in a significant increase in skin hydration over time (<0.001). The placebo cream did not significantly increase skin hydration at any time point. At 24 hours post-application, skin hydration measured for Ceramide cream was significantly greater (<0.05) than that measured for all three of the reference moisturizers tested. Ceramide cream was also found to significantly decrease TEWL (<0.001) over 24 hours, and was shown to be non-sensitizing to the skin of both adults and children and non-irritating to the skin, eyes and related eye area.
Conclusion: Ceramide cream increases skin hydration and improves barrier function which may make it suitable for use on dry skin.
Keywords: ceramide, moisturizer, stratum corneum, dry skin, humectant, emollient, occludent, transepidermal water loss, natural moisturizing factor


摘要视频链接:Cream formulated to mimic skin natural moisturizing systems