IF 收录期刊
ReGAE 12: preventing glaucoma blindness in the Caribbean through implementation of the Moorfields Safer Surgery System and skills transfer from the UK to Trinidad and Tobago
Authors Murray D, Shah P
Received 15 February 2018
Accepted for publication 19 May 2018
Published 11 September 2018 Volume 2018:12 Pages 1775—1784
DOI https://doi.org/10.2147/OPTH.S165544
Checked for plagiarism Yes
Review by Single-blind
Peer reviewers approved by Dr Colin Mak
Peer reviewer comments 3
Editor who approved publication: Dr Scott Fraser
Objective: The objective of the study was to present evidence of successful skills transfer of the Moorfields Safer Surgery System (MSSS) from the UK to Trinidad and Tobago and the safety and efficacy of this technique.
Methods: Hospital-based retrospective, consecutive, non-comparative case series study of 33 eyes (24 African-Caribbean patients; 16 male patients) with primary open-angle glaucoma undergoing trabeculectomy + mitomycin C (MSSS) by a single surgeon with UK Glaucoma Fellowship training. The clinical outcome measures included intraocular pressure (IOP), bleb morphology, postsurgical interventions, postoperative complications, and best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) at the final follow-up.
Results: All patients were self-identified as African-Caribbean. The median age was 56 years (range 34–79 years). The mean preoperative IOP on maximum tolerated medical treatment was 22.4 mmHg (SD=5.9 mmHg). With or without medication, IOP was ≤21 mmHg in 92.6% at 1 year and 87.5% at 5 years. At 1 year, IOP was ≤18 mmHg in 78%, ≤15 mmHg in 73% and ≤14 mmHg in 52%. Removal of scleral flap releasable suture(s) was performed in 84%, 5-fluorouracil injection(s) in 88% and bleb needling revision in 38%. The most common complication was early transient bleb leak (52%). No patient developed endophthalmitis, hypotony maculopathy, suprachoroidal hemorrhage, or malignant glaucoma. At the final follow-up, 91% had excellent or satisfactory bleb morphology, and 73% had equal or better BCVA.
Conclusion: Skills transfer between different geographical and economic regions contributes to the prevention of avoidable blindness through disease control – one of the core strategies of the World Health Organization’s Vision 2020 initiative. In the Caribbean (Trinidad and Tobago), the MSSS was utilized by a surgeon with Glaucoma Fellowship training and achieved outcomes similar to best-published data. This success can be reproduced in other geographic locations.
Keywords: glaucoma, trabeculectomy, mitomycin C, Caribbean, African Caribbean
摘要视频链接:Glaucoma surgery in the Caribbean