IF 收录期刊
Authors Mayerova M, Ustohal L, Jarkovsky J, Pivnicka J, Kasparek T, Ceskova E
Received 26 January 2018
Accepted for publication 16 March 2018
Published 14 June 2018 Volume 2018:14 Pages 1535—1543
DOI https://doi.org/10.2147/NDT.S163839
Checked for plagiarism Yes
Review by Single-blind
Peer reviewers approved by Dr Justinn Cochran
Peer reviewer comments 3
Editor who approved publication: Dr Roger Pinder
Introduction: Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) of clozapine is a very useful
method for verifying both the correct intake and the interindividual
variability of its metabolism, thereby avoiding the risk of toxicity. The
purposes of this paper were to discover how many patients using clozapine in
common clinical practice have clozapine plasma concentration (PC) levels in the
proposed reference range and to identify factors that influence clozapine PC levels.
Methods: Our study included 100 inpatients (diagnosed
with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder) taking standard doses of
clozapine (100–700 mg/day). Clozapine concentration was measured by
high-performance liquid chromatography. Correlations between doses and PC
levels and the influence of smoking and gender on clozapine PC levels were
Results: A large number of the patients (67%) had PC
levels outside the proposed reference range. The clozapine PC levels were
influenced by dose, gender, and cigarette smoking.
Conclusion: The correlations between dose, gender, and
cigarette smoking and clozapine PC levels highlighted by our study overlap
other research. It was surprising to find such a large number of patients with
clozapine PC levels outside the therapeutic range. This result suggests the
importance of clozapine TDM due to misunderstood inter- and/or intraindividual
variability or misestimated partial therapeutic compliance.
Keywords: therapeutic
drug monitoring, plasma levels, interindividual variability, schizophrenia,
schizoaffective disorder
摘要视频链接:Influence of dose, gender,
and cigarette smoking on clozapine PCs