IF 收录期刊
Authors Bittker SS, Bell KR
Received 10 December 2017
Accepted for publication 23 March 2018
Published 31 May 2018 Volume 2018:14 Pages 1399—1414
DOI https://doi.org/10.2147/NDT.S158811
Checked for plagiarism Yes
Review by Single-blind
Peer reviewers approved by Dr Justinn Cochran
Peer reviewer comments 4
Editor who approved publication: Dr Roger Pinder
Background: While many studies have examined environmental risk factors for
autism spectrum disorder (ASD), much of the research focus has been on prenatal
or perinatal factors. Yet, the postnatal environment may affect the risk of ASD
as well.
Objective: To determine whether a set of five postnatal
variables are associated with ASD. These variables are: acetaminophen exposure,
antibiotic exposure, incidence of ear infection, decreased duration of
breastfeeding, and decreased consumption of oral vitamin D drops.
Materials and methods: An Internet-based survey was conducted.
Participants were parents living in the USA with at least one biological child
between 3 and 12 years of age. Potential participants were informed about the
survey via postings on social media, websites, and listservs and were offered
an opportunity to participate in a raffle as well. Participants were also
recruited through the Interactive Autism Network.
Results: There were 1,741 completed survey responses.
After exclusions, there remained 1,001 responses associated with children with
ASD (cases) and 514 responses associated with children who do not have ASD
(controls). In this data set, doses of postnatal acetaminophen (adjusted odds
ratio [aOR] 1.016, CI: 1.003–1.032, p =0.026),
courses of postnatal antibiotics (aOR 1.103, CI: 1.046–1.168, p <0.001), incidence of
postnatal ear infection (aOR 1.137, CI: 1.046–1.236, p =0.003), and decreased duration
of breastfeeding (aOR 0.948, CI: 0.932–0.965, p <0.001)
are all associated with ASD when adjusted for eight demographic variables. A
weak association between oral vitamin D drop exposure and ASD was also found
when adjusted for breastfeeding and demographics (aOR 1.025, CI:
0.995–1.056, p =0.102).
Conclusion: This study adds to evidence that postnatal
acetaminophen use, postnatal antibiotic use, incidence of ear infection, and
early weaning are associated with an increased risk of ASD. It also finds that
postnatal oral vitamin D drops are weakly associated with ASD when adjusted for
breastfeeding and demographics.
Keywords: ASD, folate,
epidemiology, risk factor, postnatal
摘要视频链接:Postnatal ASD risk factors