IF 收录期刊
Authors Carvalho AS, Martins Pereira S, Jácomo A, Magalhães S, Araújo J, Hernández-Marrero P, Costa Gomes C, Schatman ME
Received 18 January 2018
Accepted for publication 18 March 2018
Published 15 May 2018 Volume 2018:11 Pages 967—976
DOI https://doi.org/10.2147/JPR.S162926
Checked for plagiarism Yes
Review by Single-blind
Peer reviewers approved by Dr Andrew Yee
Peer reviewer comments 3
Editor who approved publication: Dr Erica Wegrzyn
Introduction: The practice and study of pain management pose myriad ethical
challenges. There is a consensual opinion that adequate management of pain is a
medical obligation rooted in classical Greek practice. However, there is evidence
that patients often suffer from uncontrolled and unnecessary pain. This is
inconsistent with the leges artis, and its practical implications merit a
bioethical analysis. Several factors have been identified as causes of
uncontrolled and unnecessary pain, which deprive patients from receiving
appropriate treatments that theoretically they have the right to access.
Important factors include (with considerable regional, financial, and cultural
differences) the following: 1) failure to identify pain as a priority in
patient care; 2) failure to establish an adequate physician–patient
relationship; 3) insufficient knowledge regarding adequate prescription of
analgesics; 4) conflicting notions associated with drug-induced risk of
tolerance and fear of addiction; 5) concerns regarding “last-ditch” treatments
of severe pain; and 6) failure to be accountable and equitable.
Objective: The aim of this article was to establish that
bioethics can serve as a framework for addressing these challenging issues and,
from theoretical to practical approaches, bioethical reflection can
contextualize the problem of unrelieved pain.
Methods: This article is organized into three parts.
First, we illustrate that pain management and its undertreatment are indeed
ethical issues. The second part describes possible ethical frameworks that can
be combined and integrated to better define the ethical issues in pain
management. Finally, we discuss possible directions forward to improve ethical
decision making in pain management.
Discussion: We argue that 1) the treatment of pain is an ethical
obligation, 2) health science schools, especially medical training
institutions, have the duty to teach pain management in a comprehensive
fashion, and 3) regulatory measures, which prevent patients from access to
opioid treatment as indicated in their cases, are unethical and should be
Conclusion: Developing an ethical framework for pain
management will result in enhanced quality of care, linking the epistemic
domains of pain management to their anthropological foundations, thereby making
them ethically sound.
Keywords: bioethics, pain
management, ethical decision making, ethics of care, narrative medicine,
patient-centered care
摘要视频链接:Ethical decision making in
pain management