
Medical issues in flight and updating the emergency medical kit


Authors Verjee MA, Crone R, Ostrovskiy G

Received 28 September 2017

Accepted for publication 15 February 2018

Published 30 April 2018 Volume 2018:10 Pages 47—51

DOI https://doi.org/10.2147/OAEM.S152777

Checked for plagiarism Yes

Review by Single-blind

Peer reviewers approved by Dr Lucy Goodman

Peer reviewer comments 2

Editor who approved publication: Dr Hans-Christoph Pape

Abstract: Airline travel is more affordable than ever and likely safer than ever too. Within half a day, a passenger can be on the other side of the world. However, medical care in-flight has been an issue for those with medical conditions and for those who fall sick during a journey. While airlines have the advice of multiple recognized organizations on needs and standards of care, in-flight emergencies occur at various levels. An emergency medical kit (EMK) together with trained cabin crew can be very effective at resolving the minor problems that arise and reducing the risk of escalation. On occasion, an overhead plea may be announced for additional medical expertise. Having the right content in a medical kit is more important in modern day travel, coupled with advances in equipment and passenger expectations. The authors address current issues of illness and other relevant conditions and suggest a content enhancement for an onboard EMK.
Keywords: emergency medical kit, in-flight medical emergency, arterial oxygen partial pressure, pulse oximeter, automated external defibrillator, Federal Aviation Authority, International Civil Aviation Organization


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