IF 收录期刊
Authors Gregor JC, Williamson M, Dajnowiec D, Sattin B, Sabot E, Salh B
Received 29 September 2017
Accepted for publication 6 February 2018
Published 10 April 2018 Volume 2018:12 Pages 505—513
DOI https://doi.org/10.2147/PPA.S152872
Checked for plagiarism Yes
Review by Single-blind
Peer reviewers approved by Dr Cristina Weinberg
Peer reviewer comments 2
Editor who approved publication: Dr Johnny Chen
Background: Given the large armamentarium of therapies for inflammatory bowel
disease (IBD), physicians cannot fully describe all treatments to patients and,
therefore, make assumptions regarding treatment attributes communicated to
patients. This study aimed to assess out-of-pocket willingness-to-pay that IBD
patients allocate to treatment attributes.
Methods: Adult patients receiving therapy for IBD were invited
to access a cross-sectional web-based discrete-choice experiment (May 22–August
31, 2015) that presented paired medication scenarios with varying efficacy,
safety, and administration parameters. Preference weights and
willingness-to-pay for each attribute level were assessed by a hierarchical
Bayes method including a multinomial logit model.
Results: A total of 586 IBD patients were included, 404 (68.9%)
with Crohn’s disease and 182 (31.1%) with ulcerative colitis. Genders were
evenly distributed; the majority of patients (70.1%) were 50 years or younger
and had postsecondary education (75.4%), while the median health status was 7
(Likert scale: 1 [poor] – 10 [perfect]). Regarding relative preference-weight
estimates, for the average respondent, reducing pain during administration,
mucosal healing, and symptom relief were the highest-ranking attributes.
Conversely, infusion reactions and risk of hospitalization or surgery were the
lowest-ranking attributes. In multivariate analysis, patient sociodemographics
did not affect the rank order of attributes although small differences were
observed between asymptomatic and symptomatic patients in the previous year.
Conclusion: This study has important implications related to
understanding patient preferences and designing patient-centered strategies.
IBD patients prioritize treatments with low administration pain. Additionally,
these results concur with treatment guidelines emphasizing patients’ preference
for mucosal healing and symptom control.
Keywords: inflammatory
bowel disease, patient preference, willingness-to-pay, discrete choice
摘要视频链接:IBD patients prioritize
mucosal healing, symptom control and pain