IF 收录期刊
Authors Kumar K, Raizada SR, Mallen CD, Stack RJ
Received 10 October 2017
Accepted for publication 14 December 2017
Published 4 April 2018 Volume 2018:12 Pages 489—497
DOI https://doi.org/10.2147/PPA.S153741
Checked for plagiarism Yes
Review by Single-blind
Peer reviewers approved by Dr Doris Leung
Peer reviewer comments 3
Editor who approved publication: Dr Johnny Chen
Background: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) causes painful joint inflammation and is
incurable, but treatments control RA. Drug regimens are complex, and patients
often do not take their medication as expected. Poor medication adherence can
lead to poorly controlled disease and worse patient outcomes. Biologics
treatments are expensive and require full engagement from patients. We have
previously shown that patients from Black ethnic minority backgrounds do not
fully engage into treatment plan. This study explored the patients’ experiences
in and satisfaction toward receiving information about biologics and future
support preferences in South Asian patients with RA.
Methods: Twenty South Asian patients with RA from Royal
Wolverhampton Hospitals NHS Trust and Central Manchester University Hospitals
NHS Foundation Trust participated in individual semistructured interviews.
Interviews were transcribed and data were analyzed by using thematic analysis
Results: Four overarching themes describe the patients’
experience in and satisfaction toward receiving information on biologics: 1)
current provision of information regarding the “biologics journey” and
understanding of RA: in this theme, non-English-speaking patients expressed
heightened anxiety about stepping up to biologics; 2) experience and perceptions
of biologics: many patients were positive about the biologic experience;
however, there were patient-perceived delays in getting on to the biologics; 3)
factors influencing willingness to try biologics: in this theme, a number of
factors were identified including seeking advice from doctors abroad; and 4)
recommendations on the desired information to fully understand the use of
biologics: some patients valued group discussions, while others suggested
receiving RA and biologic information through a video interaction.
Conclusion: This novel study provides insight into South Asian RA
patients’ experiences in and satisfaction toward receiving information about
biologics. South Asian patients with RA reported a range of perceptions about
biologics and support preferences, many of which may not be shared with the
non-South Asian population.
Keywords: rheumatoid
arthritis, biologic treatment, patient perceptions, illness beliefs, ethnicity
摘要视频链接:Patients’ experiences in receiving information about biologics