IF 收录期刊
Authors Grasso M, de Vincentiis M, Agolli G, Cilurzo F, Grasso R
Received 29 June 2017
Accepted for publication 7 February 2018
Published 3 April 2018 Volume 2018:12 Pages 705—709
DOI https://doi.org/10.2147/DDDT.S145173
Checked for plagiarism Yes
Review by Single-blind
Peer reviewers approved by Dr Cristina Weinberg
Peer reviewer comments 2
Editor who approved publication: Dr Tuo Deng
Background: The “cost of illness” of the acute allergic rhinitis (AR) episodes
in patients with chronic AR is very high in terms of therapy and quality of
life. AR represents a worldwide health problem; despite the fact that many
standardized treatments have been proposed and used, the recurrence rate of
acute rhinitis episodes in springtime is always higher.
Materials and methods: Sixty consecutive patients (13 F and 17 M in group A, 15
F and 15 M in group B; p =0.60) with
chronic AR were enrolled in this prospective, controlled clinical trial. Thirty
patients were treated daily for the same 5 months of the following year (2013)
with isotonic seawater nasal spray enriched with manganese (Sterimar Mn; 4
puffs/day), whereas 30 patients received only the standard care and were used
as control group.
Results: A 5 months course treatment with the nasal
Sterimar Mn was able to decrease, significantly (p <0.001),
the number of episodes of acute AR (6.33 episodes in the group of treated
patients versus 9.33 episodes in control group). Also, the 5 months quality of
life reduced over time (Visual Analogue Scale 5th month 9.90 in treated group
versus Visual Analogue Scale 5th month 8.72 in control group: p <0.001) without the typical
adverse effects of the AR standard care therapy.
Conclusion: This study shows the effectiveness of the use of
Sterimar Mn for a 5 months therapy in terms of reduction of the number of
episodes of acute AR and effectiveness of intrasubject improvement of Visual
Analog Scale (quality of life).
Keywords: chronic
allergic rhinitis, acute allergic rhinitis, prevention, nasal detersion,
Sterimar Mn
摘要视频链接:Effectiveness of long-term
course of Sterimar Mn nasal spray