
The effectiveness of long-term course of Sterimar Mn nasal spray for treatment of the recurrence rates of acute allergic rhinitis in patients with chronic allergic rhinitis


Authors Grasso M, de Vincentiis M, Agolli G, Cilurzo F, Grasso R

Received 29 June 2017

Accepted for publication 7 February 2018

Published 3 April 2018 Volume 2018:12 Pages 705—709

DOI https://doi.org/10.2147/DDDT.S145173

Checked for plagiarism Yes

Review by Single-blind

Peer reviewers approved by Dr Cristina Weinberg

Peer reviewer comments 2

Editor who approved publication: Dr Tuo Deng

Background: The “cost of illness” of the acute allergic rhinitis (AR) episodes in patients with chronic AR is very high in terms of therapy and quality of life. AR represents a worldwide health problem; despite the fact that many standardized treatments have been proposed and used, the recurrence rate of acute rhinitis episodes in springtime is always higher.
Materials and methods: Sixty consecutive patients (13 F and 17 M in group A, 15 F and 15 M in group B; =0.60) with chronic AR were enrolled in this prospective, controlled clinical trial. Thirty patients were treated daily for the same 5 months of the following year (2013) with isotonic seawater nasal spray enriched with manganese (Sterimar Mn; 4 puffs/day), whereas 30 patients received only the standard care and were used as control group.
Results: A 5 months course treatment with the nasal Sterimar Mn was able to decrease, significantly (<0.001), the number of episodes of acute AR (6.33 episodes in the group of treated patients versus 9.33 episodes in control group). Also, the 5 months quality of life reduced over time (Visual Analogue Scale 5th month 9.90 in treated group versus Visual Analogue Scale 5th month 8.72 in control group: <0.001) without the typical adverse effects of the AR standard care therapy.
Conclusion: This study shows the effectiveness of the use of Sterimar Mn for a 5 months therapy in terms of reduction of the number of episodes of acute AR and effectiveness of intrasubject improvement of Visual Analog Scale (quality of life).
Keywords: chronic allergic rhinitis, acute allergic rhinitis, prevention, nasal detersion, Sterimar Mn


摘要视频链接Effectiveness of long-term course of Sterimar Mn nasal spray