IF 收录期刊
Authors Vannucci MJ, Weinstein SM
Received 12 June 2017
Accepted for publication 10 August 2017
Published 22 September 2017 Volume 2017:7 Pages 57—66
DOI https://doi.org/10.2147/NRR.S98407
Checked for plagiarism Yes
Review by Single-blind
Peer reviewers approved by Dr Amy Norman
Peer reviewer comments 2
Editor who approved publication: Dr Cindy Hudson
Abstract: The purpose of this exploratory study was to better understand the
experiences and challenges of nurse entrepreneurs. Nurse entrepreneurs (N=44)
reported on their transitions from employment to entrepreneurship, key
motivators in the decision to start a business, and the challenges they face as
entrepreneurs in the health care field. Additionally, participants completed
the 33-item Mindful Self-Care Scale – Short, which measured their self-care
activities and behaviors in six domains: Physical Care, Supportive
Relationships, Mindful Awareness, Self-compassion/Purpose, Mindful Relaxation,
and Supportive Structure. Nurse entrepreneurs reported higher rates of
self-care practices than a norm community sample, and age was positively
correlated with higher rates of self-care practices. Nurse entrepreneurs
reported that factors related to psychological empowerment, such as
meaning/purpose, having an impact, need for growth, and getting to make
decisions, were more critical motivators in the decision to start a business
than factors associated with structural empowerment, such as financial gain and
job or organizational constraints. Some work/life balance challenges, such as
juggling multiple roles in a business, balancing one’s own needs with those of
others, time management, and addressing both family and business needs, were
associated with fewer self-care behaviors. The biggest challenges to success
that were identified, such as implementing a marketing strategy, networking,
and accessing mentorship, were all related to relying on connections with
others. The results of this study will benefit nurse entrepreneurs, potential
nurse entrepreneurs, and others in the health care delivery system.
Keywords: career
development, entrepreneurship, mindfullness, work/life balance, health care
摘要视频链接:Nurse entrepreneurship