IF 收录期刊
Authors Machado MC, Webster TJ
Received 19 December 2016
Accepted for publication 6 February 2017
Published 16 March 2017 Volume 2017:12 Pages 2109—2115
DOI https://doi.org/10.2147/IJN.S130608
Checked for plagiarism Yes
Review by Single-blind
Peer reviewers approved by Dr Thiruganesh Ramasamy
Peer reviewer comments 4
Editor who approved publication: Professor Carlos Rinaldi
Abstract: Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) endotracheal tubes (ETTs) nanoetched with a
fungal lipase have been shown to reduce bacterial growth and biofilm formation
and could be an inexpensive solution to the complex problem of
ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP). Although bacterial growth and
colonization on these nanoetched materials have been well characterized, little
is known about the mechanism by which the fungal lipase degrades the PVC and,
thus, alters its properties to minimize bacteria functions. This study used
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and attenuated total reflectance Fourier
transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR) to better describe the surface
chemistry of both unetched and lipase nanoetched PVC ETT. ATR-FTIR analysis of
the unetched and treated surfaces showed a similar presence of a plasticizer.
This was confirmed by XPS analysis, which showed an increase of carbon and the
presence of oxygen on both unetched and nanoetched surfaces. A quantitative
comparison of the FTIR spectra revealed significant correlations (Pearson’s
correlation, R =0.997 [R 2=0.994, P <0.001]) between the unetched
and nanomodified PVC ETT spectra, demonstrating similar surface chemistry. This
analysis showed no shifting or widening of the bands in the spectra and no
significant changes in the intensity of the infrared peaks due to the
degradation of the plasticizer by the fungal lipase. In contrast, results from
this study did demonstrate significantly increased nanoscale surface features
on the lipase etched compared to non-etched PVC ETTs. This led to a change in
surface energetics, which altered ion adsorption to the ETTs. Thus, these
results showed that PVC surfaces nanoetched with a 0.1% lipase solution for 48
hours have no significant change on surface chemistry but do significantly
increase nanoscale surface roughness and alters ion adsorption, which suggests
that the unique properties of these materials, including their previously
reported ability to decrease bacterial adhesion and growth, are due to the
changes in the degree of the nanoscale roughness, not changes in their surface
Keywords: nanorough, lipase, hydrolysis,
spectroscopy, polymer
摘要视频链接:Lipase degradation of plasticized PVCendotracheal tube