
移动短视频 APP 持续使用的促成因素和抑制因素:满意度和疲劳分别作为中介变量


Authors Huang L , Dong X , Yuan H, Wang L

Received 22 March 2023

Accepted for publication 30 July 2023

Published 5 August 2023 Volume 2023:16 Pages 3001—3017

DOI https://doi.org/10.2147/PRBM.S411337

Checked for plagiarism Yes

Review by Single anonymous peer review

Peer reviewer comments 3

Editor who approved publication: Dr Igor Elman

Purpose: The short video APP has entered the stage of competition for stock, making it crucial to keep users engaged in their APP to promote continuous usage. Previous studies on the continuous use intention of mobile short video APP were relatively limited, with most studies focusing only on promoting factors. Therefore, based on the dual-factor theory of “enabling-inhibiting”, and drawing on the Information System Continuance Model (ECM-ISC) and Cognitive Load Theory, this study extracted two variables, satisfaction and fatigue, to construct an integrated model to explore their enabling and inhibiting effects on continuous use intention.
Methods: This study selected TikTok APP users as the respondents, obtained 681 valid questionnaires and analyzed with structural equation modeling (SEM) using SPSS24.0 and Amos23.0 software.
Findings: The study investigated the factors that influence users’ continuous use intention of short video APP. It shows that in enabling mechanism, perceived usefulness and social influence will increase user satisfaction and thus promote their continuous use intention, and perceived playfulness has a direct effect on the continuous use intention. In inhibiting mechanism, information overload and communication overload are positively correlated with emotional fatigue, which further reduces the continuous use intention.
Contribution/Conclusion: Based on the dual-factor theory of “enabling-inhibiting”, the study established an integration model to more comprehensively reveal the impact mechanism of short video APP users’ continuous use intention. The study found that the fatigue caused by information and communication overload can inhibit users’ continuous use intention of short video APP. Therefore, to improve users’ continuous use intention, short video APP should not only increase users’ satisfaction but also reduce the fatigue caused by overload.
Keywords: short video APP, continuous use intention, satisfaction and fatigue, enablers, inhibitors, ECM-ISC model