
Advances in the Treatment of Partial-Thickness Cartilage Defect


Authors Sun D, Liu X, Xu L, Meng Y , Kang H, Li Z

Received 17 July 2022

Accepted for publication 23 November 2022

Published 13 December 2022 Volume 2022:17 Pages 6275—6287

DOI https://doi.org/10.2147/IJN.S382737

Checked for plagiarism Yes

Review by Single anonymous peer review

Peer reviewer comments 3

Editor who approved publication: Dr Yan Shen

Abstract: Partial-thickness cartilage defects (PTCDs) of the articular surface is the most common problem in cartilage degeneration, and also one of the main pathogenesis of osteoarthritis (OA). Due to the lack of a clear diagnosis, the symptoms are often more severe when full-thickness cartilage defect (FTCDs) is present. In contrast to FTCDs and osteochondral defects (OCDs), PTCDs does not injure the subchondral bone, there is no blood supply and bone marrow exudation, and the nearby microenvironment is unsuitable for stem cells adhesion, which completely loses the ability of self-repair. Some clinical studies have shown that partial-thickness cartilage defects is as harmful as full-thickness cartilage defects. Due to the poor effect of conservative treatment, the destructive surgical treatment is not suitable for the treatment of partial-thickness cartilage defects, and the current tissue engineering strategies are not effective, so it is urgent to develop novel strategies or treatment methods to repair PTCDs. In recent years, with the interdisciplinary development of bioscience, mechanics, material science and engineering, many discoveries have been made in the repair of PTCDs. This article reviews the current status and research progress in the treatment of PTCDs from the aspects of diagnosis and modeling of PTCDs, drug therapy, tissue transplantation repair technology and tissue engineering (“bottom-up”).
Keywords: articular cartilage, partial-thickness defect, microenvironment, tissue engineering, treatment progress