IF 收录期刊
Use of Honey in the Management of Chemotherapy-Associated Oral Mucositis in Paediatric Patients
Authors Zhang L, Yin Y , Simons A, Francisco NM , Wen F, Patil S
Received 28 March 2022
Accepted for publication 6 July 2022
Published 19 September 2022 Volume 2022:14 Pages 2773—2783
DOI https://doi.org/10.2147/CMAR.S367472
Checked for plagiarism Yes
Review by Single anonymous peer review
Peer reviewer comments 2
Editor who approved publication: Dr Sanjeev Srivastava
Background: Oral mucositis (OM) is a critical condition during chemotherapy in both adult and child cancer patients. Paediatric cancer patients have a higher prevalence of OM than adult cancer patients. Honey is a natural product that has been reported to have the best tissue healing properties. The present mini-review focused on the evaluation of the effectiveness of oral care with honey products in the treatment and prophylaxis of chemotherapy-induced OM in child patients.
Methods: A network of electronic English databases including CINAHL, CENTRAL, EMBASE, MEDLINE and PubMed, were used for primary search from April 2010 to April 2020. We have also considered data collected from ClinicalTrials.gov, Web of Science and Google Scholar. PRISMA software was used to build collective data. Controlled trials were included in this review and were critically appraised by Down and Black. The narrative synthesis was performed.
Results: A total number of 346 data of children and adolescents with cancer were considered in this short review. All patients were from three randomized controlled trial articles and two were non-randomised controlled trial articles. Based on the evidence so far revealed, honey may show an effect in the treatment and prophylaxis of OM. The analysis of collected data revealed that the probability value P< 0.05. The honey enhanced recovery time and severity of OM were significantly compared with those without honey treatment receiving group of pediatric patients.
Conclusion: Honey not only has been shown to have the capability for healing injured tissues but it is also a more economical treatment, and it has fewer side effects compared to synthetic drugs. Honey or honey products can prevent chemotherapy-induced OM (CIOM) and be the best treatment to grade I, II and III CIOM. However, it is disappointing that studies involving children as patients were few, and limited data available so far.
Keywords: oral mucositis, honey, pediatric patients, chemotherapy