IF 收录期刊
Tarsus-Orbicularis-Septum Fixation in Double-Eyelid Blepharoplasty: A Reliable and Flexible Technique
Authors Sun Y, Liu R, Yu N, Zhang D, Chen J, Huang J, Long X
Received 24 March 2022
Accepted for publication 9 June 2022
Published 21 June 2022 Volume 2022:15 Pages 1125—1132
DOI https://doi.org/10.2147/CCID.S367202
Checked for plagiarism Yes
Review by Single anonymous peer review
Peer reviewer comments 2
Editor who approved publication: Dr Jeffrey Weinberg
Purpose: Incisional double eyelid blepharoplasty is the most common cosmetic operation in East Asia. Although numerous articles on surgical techniques have been published, complications, such as fold loss, asymmetry, and visible scars, still exist. To create a stable and dynamic double-eyelid crease, the author has introduced a modified technique of double-eyelid blepharoplasty.
Patients and Methods: The authors introduced a new surgical technique to reduce complications and create reliable and dynamic double eyelids. The orbicularis oculi muscle of the lower flap was anchored on the tarsus and sutured with the distal part of the septal flap. The skin incision was closed by skin–septal flap–skin suture. Postoperative evaluations were assessed at the twelfth postoperative month.
Results: One hundred ninety-three patients underwent double eyelidplasty with the TOS fixation technique. The mean follow-up duration was 18.6 months (range, 12– 30 months). In the aesthetic outcome evaluation, 88 (45.6%) patients had very much improved results, 56 (29.0%) had much improved results, 29 (15.0%) had improved results, 8 (4.1%) had no change and 12 (6.2%) had worse results. Complications included crease asymmetry (n=7, 3.6%), partial fold loss (n=8, 4.1%) and complete fold loss (n =5, 2.6%).
Conclusion: Tarsus-orbicularis-septum (TOS) fixation is a reliable and flexible surgical technique for creating stable and dynamic double-eyelid creases.
Keywords: double eyelidplasty, primarily blepharoplasty, orbital septum, tarsus