IF 收录期刊
A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of a Community Health Worker Led Asthma Education Program in South Texas
Authors Naufal G, Naiser E , Patterson B, Baek J, Carrillo G
Received 25 November 2021
Accepted for publication 8 April 2022
Published 4 May 2022 Volume 2022:15 Pages 547—556
DOI https://doi.org/10.2147/JAA.S351141
Checked for plagiarism Yes
Review by Single anonymous peer review
Peer reviewer comments 2
Editor who approved publication: Dr Luis Garcia-Marcos
Purpose: This paper examines the cost-effectiveness of an asthma-related education program.
Materials and Methods: Using a pre and post approach, the paper calculates first changes in cost due to variations in outcome (from baseline to follow-up). We also estimate cost-effectiveness ratios for each of the eight outcomes (numbers of asthma attacks, hospital, and ER visits, and physical and emotional health, and activity levels of both children and family members).
Results: The intervention saved the household around $36 per day. Cost-effectiveness ratios ranged between less than $2.2 for children and family members’ physical and emotional health, and activity levels to between $4.1 and $82.8 for asthma attacks and hospital visits. Cost-benefit results showed minimal benefit due to conservative estimates. We could not quantify the economic value of physical and emotional health improvement seen based on the measures.
Conclusion: Cost savings and ratios suggest that such a program could reduce health disparities due to improved knowledge, decreasing exposure to asthma triggers, enhancing health outcomes, and improving the quality of life of the children with asthma and their whole family.
Keywords: cost-effectiveness ratio, asthma home intervention, physical health of children, emotional health of children, activities of children