IF 收录期刊
A Network Analysis of the Association Between Intergroup Contact and Intergroup Relations
Authors Yu D, Zhao Y, Yin C, Liang F, Chen W
Received 31 August 2021
Accepted for publication 9 December 2021
Published 7 January 2022 Volume 2022:15 Pages 51—69
DOI https://doi.org/10.2147/PRBM.S336740
Checked for plagiarism Yes
Review by Single anonymous peer review
Peer reviewer comments 2
Editor who approved publication: Professor Igor Elman
Purpose: Intergroup contact is an effective strategy to improve intergroup relationships. Although intergroup relationships have been studied extensively, the individual roles of quantity and quality of contact in relationships with cognition, emotion, and intention of behavior toward other ethnic minority groups are not fully understood. This study explores the situation via network analysis among Zhuang and Yao ethnic minorities in Southwest China.
Methods: We investigated the quantity and quality of intergroup contact and cognition, emotion, and intention of behavior among a sample of 543 Zhuang and 490 Yao ethnic group members. Data were analyzed using the R-package. Network structures were analyzed via the Qgraph package, and the accuracy and stability of the network were measured via the Bootnet package; communities were detected via the Igraph package; bridge analyses were conducted via the Networktools package; and the network difference was compared via the Network Comparison Test package.
Results: The results indicated perceived intimacy is the central node. Quantity of contact constructed a community with “perceived connection,” “sense of community,” “knowledge about out-group,” and “perceived similarity.” Meanwhile, quality of contact constructed a community with “intergroup attitude” and a “feeling thermometer.” The remainder of the nodes constructed two additional communities. The network global connectivity and structure between the two ethnic groups were highly similar.
Conclusion: The study examined the quantity and quality of intergroup contact via network analysis for two ethnic minority groups. It was shown that the two groups’ global network structures of intergroup contact and their effects are highly similar. Specifically, quantity and quality of contact produce different effects on intergroup relations. Quantity of contact has proximal effects, including instant cognitive and emotional response without depth cognition, while quality of contact has proximal effects that may change deep-seated cognition and subsequently improve intergroup relations.
Keywords: quantity, quality, community analysis, network global connectivity, ethnic minorities, intergroup relationships