
The Fabrication and Function of Strontium-modified Hierarchical Micro/Nano Titanium Implant


Authors Wang H, Xu Q, Hu H, Shi C, Lin Z, Jiang H, Dong H, Guo J

Received 20 June 2020

Accepted for publication 19 September 2020

Published 16 November 2020 Volume 2020:15 Pages 8983—8998

DOI https://doi.org/10.2147/IJN.S268657

Checked for plagiarism Yes

Review by Single anonymous peer review

Peer reviewer comments 3

Editor who approved publication: Dr Thomas Webster

Background: Relying on surface topography alone to enhance the osteointegration of implants is still inadequate. An effective way to combine long-term ion release and surface topography to enhance osteogenic property is urgently needed.
Purpose: The objective of this study is to fabricate a long-term strontium ion release implant system and confirm the biological function in vitro and in vivo.
Methods: The biomimic surface was fabricated through alkali-heat treatment and magnetron sputtering. The in vitro biological function assays were determined by MTT, fluorescence staining, alkaline phosphatase activity, extracellular mineralization, and quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction assays. The in vivo experiments were detected by micro-CT, HE staining and Masson staining.
Results: The biomimic surface structure has been successfully fabricated. The in vitro cell assays determined that AH-Ti/Sr90 possessed the best biological function. The in vivo experiments demonstrated that AH-Ti/Sr90 could promote osteointegration significantly under both in normal and osteoporotic conditions.
Conclusion: We determined that AH-Ti/Sr90 possesses the best osteogenic property, long-term ion release capacity and osteointegration promotion ability. It has potential clinic application prospects.
Keywords: titanium, alkali-heat treatment, magnetron sputtering, osteogenic differentiation, osteoclast inhibition