IF 收录期刊
Authors Mao A, Wang J, Zhang Y, Cheong PL, Van IK, Tam HL
Received 9 July 2020
Accepted for publication 11 August 2020
Published 29 September 2020 Volume 2020:13 Pages 1035—1045
DOI https://doi.org/10.2147/JMDH.S270113
Checked for plagiarism Yes
Review by Single anonymous peer review
Peer reviewer comments 2
Editor who approved publication: Dr Scott Fraser
Proposes: Delivery of healthcare involves
engagements of patients, nurses and other health professionals. The Social
Identity Theory (SIT) can provide a lens to investigate intergroup
interactions. This study explores how male nurses deal with intergroup tensions
and conflicts with patients and physicians when delivering healthcare.
Methods: A
collaborative qualitative research study was conducted by two research teams,
with one from Mainland China and the other from Macau. Twenty-four male nurses
were recruited, with 12 from each of the two regions. A similar guide was used
by the two teams to conduct in-depth interviews with the participants. Thematic
analysis was used, and SIT guided the data analysis and interpretation of the
Results: Four
themes identified are related to nurse/patient relationships: respecting
patients’ decisions, neglecting minor offenses, defending dignity, taking a
dominant position; two themes are related to nurse/physician relationships:
rationalizing physicians’ superiority over nurses, establishing relationships
with physicians by interpersonal interactions.
Conclusion: Male
nurses avoid confrontation with patients in case of disagreements but take on
gender- and profession-based dominance in dealing with intense conflicts to
maintain healthcare order. They do not challenge the status hierarchy between
nurses and physicians but manage to maintain harmonious relationships with
physicians by engaging in interpersonal activities with physicians in leisure
Implication: Male
nurses can take the lead to create inclusive groups to engage patients and
physicians in delivering healthcare. The masculine traits of male nurses do not
subvert the nurse/physician hierarchy stereotype but strengthen it.
Keywords: male
nurses, gender, intergroup, patients, physicians, Social Identity Theory