IF 收录期刊
Authors Chabal C, Dunbar PJ, Painter I, Young D, Chabal DC
Received 7 May 2020
Accepted for publication 10 July 2020
Published 13 August 2020 Volume 2020:13 Pages 2083—2092
DOI https://doi.org/10.2147/JPR.S260967
Checked for plagiarism Yes
Review by Single-blind
Peer reviewer comments 3
Editor who approved publication: Dr Robert B. Raffa
Purpose: For years, heat has been used for comfort
and analgesia is recommended as a first-line therapy in many clinical
guidelines. Yet, there are questions that remain about the actual effectiveness
of heat for a condition as common as chronic low back pain, and factors such as
time of onset, optimal temperature, and duration of effect.
Materials and Methods: A randomized double-blinded controlled trial was designed to
compare the analgesic response to heat delivered via pulses at 45°C
(experimental group, N=49) to steady heat at 37°C (control group, N=51) in
subjects with longstanding low back pain. Treatment lasted 30 minutes with
follow-up out to four hours. The hypothesis was that the experimental group
would experience a higher degree of analgesia compared to the control group.
Time of onset and duration of effect were also measured.
Results: Both
groups were similar in average duration of pain (10.3 years). The primary
outcome measure was pain reduction at 30 minutes after the end of treatment,
using a 10-points numeric pain scale. Reduction in pain was greater for the
experimental group than the control group (difference in mean reduction = 0.72,
95% CI 0.15– 1.29, p = 0.014). Statistically significant differences in pain
levels were observed from the first measure at 5 minutes of treatment through
120 minutes after completion of treatment. Reduction in pain associated
movement was greater in the active heat group than the placebo group (p =
Conclusion: High-level
pulsed heat (45°C) produced significantly more analgesia as compared to steady
heat at 37°C at the primary end point and for an additional 2 hours after
treatment. The onset of analgesia was rapid, < 5 minutes of treatment. The
results of this trial provide insight into the mechanisms and properties of
thermal analgesia that are not well understood in a chronic low back pain
Keywords: thermal
analgesia, heat, chronic low back pain