IF 收录期刊
Authors Shi C, Zhang Y, Li C, Li P, Zhu H
Received 27 December 2019
Accepted for publication 13 May 2020
Published 4 June 2020 Volume 2020:13 Pages 523—537
DOI https://doi.org/10.2147/RMHP.S243929
Checked for plagiarism Yes
Review by Single-blind
Peer reviewer comments 2
Editor who approved publication: Dr Kent Rondeau
Purpose: This study aimed to identify risk factors
associated with adverse events in residential aged care facilities in China.
Patients and Methods: After compiling a list of risk factors for adverse events
generated from in-depth interviews with managers of residential aged care
facilities, a three-round Delphi method was used to reach consensus. The
synthesized risk factors were presented on a Likert scale to the expert
panelists three times to validate their responses.
Results: The
list identified 67 items as risk factors for adverse events, attached to four
first-level indexes (ie, environmental facility, nursing staff, older adults’
characteristics, and management factors). The experts’ authority coefficient
was 0.87. The positive coefficients were 82.76%, 91.67%, and 100%, and the
coordination coefficients were 0.154, 0.297, and 0.313 in the first, second,
and third rounds, respectively.
Conclusion: Using
a Delphi method, this study established a consensus on risk factors
contributing to adverse events and developed a risk assessment grade for use in
future aged care practice and research. The resulting list is useful in
prioritizing risk-reduction activities and assessing intervention or education
strategies for preventing adverse events in residential aged care facilities.
Impact: This
study fills the gap in risk identification in the Chinese residential aged care
system to ensure provision of best-practice care to this vulnerable population.
Nursing staff and management factors at the top of the list are not only the
most common causes of adverse events but also the core elements in creating a
secure and error-free environment. This list was intended to support predictive
and prevention-oriented decision-making by managers and nursing supervisors to
reduce preventable adverse events.
Keywords: residential
aged care facilities, Delphi survey, risk factors, Aged care, adverse events