IF 收录期刊
Authors Spitzer KA, Stefan MS, Drake AA, Pack QR, Lagu T, Mazor KM, Pinto-Plata V, Lindenauer PK
Received 16 October 2019
Accepted for publication 24 January 2020
Published 17 March 2020 Volume 2020:15 Pages 575—583
DOI https://doi.org/10.2147/COPD.S234833
Checked for plagiarism Yes
Review by Single-blind
Peer reviewer comments 2
Editor who approved publication: Dr Richard Russell
Rationale: Current guidelines recommend that
patients hospitalized for acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease (COPD) initiate pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) shortly after discharge
from the hospital. However, fewer than 2 percent of Medicare beneficiaries do
so. Few studies have examined hospitalized patients’ perceptions of the
barriers and facilitators to enroll in PR. The aim of this study was to develop
an understanding of these factors by interviewing patients.
Methods: We
conducted semi-structured interviews with patients during a hospitalization for
COPD exacerbation in a large teaching hospital. Directed content analysis was
used to code and analyze interview transcripts.
Results: Of
the 15 patients we interviewed, 9 had participated in PR prior to their
hospitalization, 10 were women; 4 were black, and 1 was Hispanic. Facilitators
of enrollment included a desire to learn more about the disease, social
support, and trust in the health-care provider recommending PR. Barriers to
enrollment included lack of awareness, family obligations, lack of motivation,
and transportation. For those who had previous experience with PR, but who did
not complete the program, another barrier was not feeling well enough.
Facilitators to adherence included the educational component of the program;
feeling better through exercise; and a social connection with both participants
and staff. For some patients. PR contributed to a renewed sense of hope or
meaning. Most interviewees expressed interest in a peer coaching program.
Conclusion: Our
results highlight the importance of increasing awareness of PR and building
trust between the provider and patients to facilitate initial enrollment.
Future interventions to improve enrollment and adherence should address the
need for education about the benefits of PR and the value of social support.
Keywords: chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease, COPD, pulmonary rehabilitation, hospitalization,
patient perspectives