
作为辣椒素 (Capsaicin) 的有针对性和持续的经皮给药系统的纳米立方液晶的特征


Authors Peng X, Zhou Y, Han K, Qin L, Dian L, Li G, Pan X, Wu C
Received 10 April 2015
Accepted for publication 4 May 2015
Published 3 August 2015 Volume 2015:9 Pages 4209—4218
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.2147/DDDT.S86370
Checked for plagiarism Yes
Review by Single-blind
Peer reviewer comments 3
Editor who approved publication:  Professor Wei Duan


Abstract: Phytantriol- and glycerol monooleate-based cubosomes were produced and characterized as a targeted and sustained transdermal delivery system for capsaicin. The cubosomes were prepared by emulsification and homogenization of phytantriol (F1), glycerol monooleate (F2), and poloxamer dispersions, characterized for morphology and particle size distribution by transmission electron microscope and photon correlation spectroscopy. Their Im3m crystallographic space group was confirmed by small-angle X-ray scattering. An in vitro release study showed that the cubosomes provided a sustained release system for capsaicin. An in vitro diffusion study conducted using Franz diffusion cells indicated that the skin retention of capsaicin from cubosomes in the stratum corneum was much higher (2.75±0.22 µg versus 4.32±0.13 µg, respectively) than that of capsaicin cream (0.72±0.13 µg). The stress testing showed that the cubosome formulations were stable under strong light and high temperature for up to 10 days. After multiapplications on mouse skin, the irritation of capsaicin cubosomes and cream was light with the least amount of side effects. Overall, the present study demonstrated that cubosomes may be a suitable skin-targeted and sustained delivery system for the transdermal administration of capsaicin.
Keywords: cubosomes,skin-targeted delivery, capsaicin