


Authors Xu ZW, Li YQ, Liu LX, Zhou BJ
Published Date July 2015 Volume 2015:10 Pages 1219—1222
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.2147/CIA.S87540
Received 29 April 2015, Accepted 15 June 2015, Published 31 July 2015

Approved for publication by Professor Zhi-Ying Wu

Abstract: Light-chain amyloidosis is a relatively rare multisystem disorder. The disease often is normally difficult to diagnose due to its broad range of  characters without specific symptoms. A 62-year-old male patient presented with heart failure after experiencing a long period of unexplained and untreated gastrointestinal symptoms. Clinical examination and laboratory findings indicated a systemic process with cardiac involvement. Echocardiography revealed concentric left ventricular hypertrophy with enhanced echogenicity and preserved ejection fraction. Rectum biopsy confirmed amyloid deposition. The side effect of delayed diagnosis on prognosis and the appropriate diagnostic strategy has been discussed.

Keywords: light-chain amyloidosis, cardiac amyloidosis, echocardiography, autonomic neuropathy, peripheral neuropathy