
18F-FDG PET/ CT 显像对接受 mTOR 抑制剂治疗的恶性 PEComa 患者的作用


Authors Sun L, Sun XR, Li YH, Xing LG
Published Date July 2015 Volume 2015:8 Pages 1967—1970
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.2147/OTT.S85444
Received 25 March 2015, Accepted 18 June 2015, Published 30 July 2015

Approved for publication by Dr Faris Farassati

Abstract: Malignant perivascular epithelioid cell tumor (malignant PEComa) is a rare disease for which the diagnostic criteria and treatment options have not been established. Since PEComa is associated with upregulation of mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) pathway which controls Glut-1 (glucose transporter) function, increased 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (18F-FDG) uptake may indicate the over activation of mTOR pathway and may guide selectively inhibiting mTOR pathway treatment. We report a malignant PEComa patient who presented for 18F-FDG positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) restaging. The tumor had shown significant avidity on PET/CT as well as an evident response to sirolimus (rapamycin, Rapamune™) that supports the utility of mTOR inhibitors as an effective treatment for malignant PEComa. Therefore, 18F-FDG PET/CT is helpful in restaging and guiding treatment for malignant PEComa with mTOR inhibitors.

Keywords: malignant perivascular epithelioid cell tumor, PEComa, mTOR inhibitor, FDG, PET/CT