
负载金纳米颗粒的羟基磷灰石复合物通过 Wnt/β-连环蛋白信号通路指导人体间充质干细胞的成骨分化


Authors Liang H, Xu X, Feng X, Ma L, Deng X, Wu S, Liu X, Yang C

Received 29 April 2019

Accepted for publication 16 July 2019

Published 2 August 2019 Volume 2019:14 Pages 6151—6163

DOI https://doi.org/10.2147/IJN.S213889

Checked for plagiarism Yes

Review by Single-blind

Peer reviewers approved by Dr Cristina Weinberg

Peer reviewer comments 3

Editor who approved publication: Dr Mian Wang

Background: Precise control and induction of the differentiation of stem cells to osteoblasts by artificial biomaterials are a promising strategy for rapid bone regeneration and reconstruction.
Purpose: In this study, gold nanoparticles (AuNPs)-loaded hydroxyapatite (HA-Au) nanocomposites were designed to guide the osteogenic differentiation of human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) through the synergistic effects of both AuNPs and HA.
Materials and methods: The HA-Au nanoparticles were synthesized and characterized by several analytical techniques. Cell viability and proliferation of hMSCs were characterized by CCK-8 test. Cellular uptake of nanoparticles was observed by transmission electron microscope. For the evaluation of osteogenic differentiation, alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity and staining, Alizarin red staining, and a quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) analysis were performed. In order to examine specific signaling pathways, RT-PCR and Western blotting assay were performed.
Results: The results confirmed the successful synthesis of HA-Au nanocomposites. The HA-Au nanoparticles showed good cytocompatibility and internalized into hMSCs at the studied concentrations. The increased level of ALP production, deposition of calcium mineralization, as well as the expression of typical osteogenic genes, indicated the enhancement of osteogenic differentiation of hMSCs. Moreover, the incorporation of Au could activate the Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway, which seemed to be the molecular mechanism underlying the osteoinductive capability of HA-Au nanoparticles.
Conclusion: The HA-Au nanoparticles exerted a synergistic effect on accelerating osteogenic differentiation of hMSCs, suggesting they may be potential candidates for bone repair and regeneration.
Keywords: gold nanoparticles, hydroxyapatite, nanocomposites, osteoblast differentiation, bone regeneration

Scheme 1 Schematical illustration showing the possible molecular mechanism for...