IF 收录期刊
经导管动脉内注入顺铂治疗肢体骨肉瘤的得与失:对过去 6 年中 99 个病理的回顾性研究
Authors Xie L, Xu J, Dong S, Gao J, Tang X, Yan T, Yang R, Guo W
Received 6 May 2019
Accepted for publication 10 July 2019
Published 30 July 2019 Volume 2019:11 Pages 7183—7195
DOI https://doi.org/10.2147/CMAR.S214604
Checked for plagiarism Yes
Review by Single-blind
Peer reviewers approved by Dr Colin Mak
Peer reviewer comments 2
Editor who approved publication: Dr Xueqiong Zhu
Purpose: We intend to analyze the gain and loss from transcatheter intra-arterial (IA) limb infusion of cisplatin for extremity osteosarcoma in the past six years.
Patients and methods: Between December 2009 and August 2014, a total of 99 patients were analyzed for efficiency and followed up for long-term survival. Based on the different administration methods of cisplatin, we divided them into the following two cohorts: IA infusion of cisplatin (n=48) and intravenous (IV) infusion of cisplatin (n=51). Except for cisplatin, all the other drugs were given intravenously. Cisplatin was given intra-arterially with an infusion time of 3 hrs or 6 hrs using a pump, whereas historical controls received IV infusion of cisplatin within 60 mins. Tumor neovascularity (TNV) was analyzed before infusion, and subsequent arteriograms were compared with the baseline to determine percent changes. Definitive surgery with intended wide resection and postoperative pathological evaluation were performed in all these patients.
Results: No local or overall survival benefit was found in the patients preoperatively treated with IA infusion of cisplatin compared with IV infusion (P =0.336 and 0.173, respectively). Furthermore, serial arteriography was used to predict a good histologic response with an accuracy of 73.1% and a sensitivity of 100%. There were sporadic cases with the telangiectatic subtype, which did not respond very well to IV chemotherapy, but later, the tumor obviously shrank after IA infusion of cisplatin. Our study also showed that the rates of the complication of skin and muscle necrosis were not so low as reported.
Conclusion: We did not observe any survival advantage of chemotherapy using IA infusion in osteosarcoma of the extremities. Arteriography for TNV can be used to predict the tumor histologic response. Malposition of the catheter might severely increase the complication of skin or muscle necrosis.
Keywords: intra-arterial chemotherapy, tumor neovascularity, telangiectatic osteosarcoma, complications