
Siltuximab (CNTO 328): 治疗人类恶性肿瘤的一个有前途的选择


Authors Chen R, Chen B

Published Date July 2015 Volume 2015:9 Pages 3455—3458

DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.2147/DDDT.S86438

Received 11 April 2015, Accepted 19 May 2015, Published 2 July 2015

Approved for publication by Professor Shu-Feng Zhou

Abstract: Siltuximab (CNTO 328) is a promising antibody-drug conjugate targeting cytokine interleukin-6 (IL-6). It is highly binding to IL-6 and thus neutralizing IL-6 bioactivity and promoting death of tumor cell. In this review, we mainly focus on the mechanisms, clinical studies, and adverse effect of siltuximab in the treatment of human malignancies. We also provide our recommendations for siltuximab treatment in the future.
Keywords: interleukin-6, Castleman’s disease, clinical trials