
种寡聚脱氧核苷酸可以抑制抗放射性的肺癌细胞的 Oct4 基因表达对刺激的反应,从而增强放疗敏感性


Authors Xing N, Qiao T, Zhuang X, Yuan S, Zhang Q, Xu G

Published Date June 2015 Volume 2015:8 Pages 1443—1449

DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.2147/OTT.S84467

Received 12 March 2015, Accepted 24 April 2015, Published 12 June 2015

Approved for publication by Dr Faris Farassati

Abstract: Radiotherapy is a powerful cure for local advanced non-small cell lung cancer. However, radioresistance and tumor relapse still occur in a high proportion of patients. Octamer-4 (Oct-4), a transcription factor of the POU family, plays a key role in maintaining chemoradioresistant properties and regulating cancer progression. In this study, we demonstrated that Oct-4 expression was significantly increased in radioresistant H460 (H460R) cell line. CpG oligodeoxyribonucleotide (CpG-ODN) 7909 sensitized H460R cells when combined with irradiation treatment. The clonogenic capacity was significantly decreased, and the values of D0 and Dq were lower than those of irradiation alone group. The sensitive enhancement ratio (SER) of D0 was 1.224. This combined treatment led to a dramatic reduction in Oct-4 expression in a dose-dependent manner and also showed increased percentage of cells in the radiosensitive G2/M phase relative to either treatment alone. These results identified that Oct-4 was involved in radioresistance. CpG-ODN 7909 could enhance radiosensitivity partly through downregulating Oct-4 expression in radioresistant lung cancer cells.
Keywords: CpG-ODN, Oct-4, lung cancer, TLR9, radiosensitivity