
HES1 是急性髓系白血病的一个独立的预后因素


Authors Tian C, Tang Y, Wang T, Yu Y, Wang X, Wang Y, Zhang Y

Published Date April 2015 Volume 2015:8 Pages 899—904

DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.2147/OTT.S83511

Received 25 February 2015, Accepted 20 March 2015, Published 22 April 2015

Abstract: HES1 is the target of Notch signaling which is reported to affect cell differentiation and maintain the cells in G0 phase in various tissues including the hematopoietic tissue. HES1 expression appears to be an independent prognostic factor for survival in a heterogeneous group of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patients. To better assess its significance, we analyzed HES1 expression in a group of non-core binding factor AML patients and correlated its expression with the overall survival and relapse-free survival of AML patients. First, we detected the messenger RNA expression of HES1 in 40 patients with AML by real-time polymerase chain reaction. The top 50% of AML cases with the high HES1 expression were compared with the rest of the AML cohort. Overall survival was calculated from the date of diagnosis until the date of death from any cause or until the date of final follow-up. Relapse-free survival was determined for responders from the time of diagnosis until relapse or death from any cause. We showed that the lower-expression group had a shorter overall survival time and shorter relapse-free survival time compared with those of the high-expression group (37.6±1.6 versus 54.0±1.3 months, 28.6±1.8 months versus 44.8±2.1 months, respectively, <0.05), and Cox regression showed that HES1 was an independent prognostic factor. In all, we conclude that expression of HES1 is a useful prognostic factor for patients with non-core binding factor AML.
Keywords: acute myeloid leukemia, HES1, prognostic factor