
在结直肠癌和 NF-κB 表达不同阶段的 TLR9 信号传导激活


Authors Gao C, Qiao T, Zhang B, Yuan S, Zhuang X, Luo Y

Received 15 May 2018

Accepted for publication 9 July 2018

Published 18 September 2018 Volume 2018:11 Pages 5963—5971

DOI https://doi.org/10.2147/OTT.S174274

Checked for plagiarism Yes

Review by Single-blind

Peer reviewers approved by Dr Cristina Weinberg

Peer reviewer comments 2

Editor who approved publication: Prof. Dr. Geoffrey Pietersz

Background: The relationship of inflammation and tumor is becoming more and more important in the study on the pathogenesis of colorectal cancer. The role of TLR9-mediated immune inflammation reaction in the process is not currently clear. The purpose of the study was to discuss the correlation of TLR9 signal activation with tumor progression by detecting the expression of TLR9 and its downstream molecule NF-kappaB in colorectal cancer tissues at different stages.
Methods: TLR9 expression in colorectal cancer tissues was detected by immunohistochemical streptavidin-perosidase method and Western blot.
Results: The result showed that the high expression of TLR9 was correlated with tumor poorly differentiation, invasion and liver metastasis, the abnomal increasing levels of CEA in blood. With the signal activation, the levels of TLR9 protein raised more in advanced colorectal cancer than in early colorectal cancer. Afterward, we found that the activation of specific expression of TLR9 signal was related to histologic origin. TLR9-C expression displayed in both advanced cancer and para-carcinoma tissues, and TLR9-R protein was predominat in partial sigmoid and rectal cancer tissues. With the differential expression of TLR9, the levels of its downstream molecule NF-kappaB protein increased in colon cancer tissues and decreased in rectal cancer tissues. 
Conclusion: The results confirmed that TLR9 signaling activation participated in the clinical process of colorectal cancer and influenced NF-kappaB expression.
Keywords: bowel tumor, TLR9 signaling activation, the differential expression, NF-kappaB

Figure 1 TLR9 expression in colorectal cancer tissues.