IF 收录期刊
Authors Wu P, Liu Q, Wang Q, Qian H, Yu L, Liu B, Li R
Received 21 February 2018
Accepted for publication 28 June 2018
Published 17 September 2018 Volume 2018:13 Pages 5405—5418
DOI https://doi.org/10.2147/IJN.S166104
Checked for plagiarism Yes
Review by Single-blind
Peer reviewers approved by Dr Cristina Weinberg
Peer reviewer comments 3
Editor who approved publication: Dr Lei Yang
Background: A multi-drug delivery platform is needed as the intra-tumoral
heterogeneity of cancer leads to different drug susceptibility. Cancer stem
cells (CSCs), a small population of tumor cells responsible for tumor seeding
and recurrence, are considered chemotherapy-resistant and have been reported to
be sensitive to salinomycin (Sal) instead of paclitaxel (Ptx). Here we report a
novel silk fibroin (SF) hydrogel-loading Sal and Ptx by incorporating
drug-loaded silk fibroin nanoparticles (SF-NPs) to simultaneously kill CSCs and
Methods: Using the method we have previously reported to prepare Ptx-loaded
SF-NPs (Ptx-SF-NPs), Sal-loaded SF-NPs (Sal-SF-NPs) were fabricated under mild
and non-toxic conditions. The drug-loaded SF-NPs were dispersed in the
ultrasound processed SF solution prior to gelation.
Results: The resulting SF hydrogel (Sal-Ptx-NP-Gel) retained its injectable
properties, exhibited bio-degradability and demonstrated homogeneous drug
distribution compared to the non-NP incorporated hydrogel. Sal-Ptx-NP-Gel
showed superior inhibition of tumor growth compared to single drug-loaded
hydrogel and systemic dual drug administration in the murine hepatic carcinoma
H22 subcutaneous tumor model. Sal-Ptx-NP-Gel also significantly reduced CD44+CD133+ tumor cells and
demonstrated the least tumor formation in the in vivo tumor seeding experiment,
indicating superior inhibition of cancer stem cells.
Conclusion: These results suggest that SF-NPs incorporated SF hydrogel is a
promising drug delivery platform, and Sal-Ptx-NP-Gel could be a novel and
powerful locoregional tumor treatment regimen in the future.
Keywords: silk fibroin, nanoparticle, hydrogel, salinomycin, cancer stem