
IGF2BP2  和 IGFBP3  基因多态性与非小细胞肺癌易感性的关系:华东汉族人群病例对照研究


Authors Chen S, Qiu H, Liu C, Wang Y, Tang W, Kang M

Received 25 March 2018

Accepted for publication 26 May 2018

Published 28 August 2018 Volume 2018:10 Pages 2965—2975

DOI https://doi.org/10.2147/CMAR.S169222

Checked for plagiarism Yes

Review by Single-blind

Peer reviewers approved by Dr Cristina Weinberg

Peer reviewer comments 2

Editor who approved publication: Professor Nakshatri

Background: IGF2BP2  and IGFBP3  polymorphisms may be associated with cancer risk. 
Methods: With an aim to determine the association of variations in IGF2BP2  and IGFBP3  genes with risk of non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC), IGF2BP2  rs1470579 A>C, rs4402960 G>T and IGFBP3  rs2270628 C>T, rs3110697 G>A, and rs6953668 G>A polymorphisms were selected and genotyped in 521 NSCLC patients and 1,030 controls. 
Results: We found that there was no difference in IGF2BP2  and IGFBP3  genotype distribution among the NSCLC patients and controls. The stratified analyses suggested that IGF2BP2  rs1470579 A>C polymorphism decreased the risk of NSCLC in some subgroups (female subgroup: CC vs AA: adjusted =0.032 and CC vs AC/AA: adjusted =0.028; <60 years subgroup: CC vs AA: adjusted =0.012 and CC vs AC/AA: adjusted =0.013; and never drinking subgroup: CC vs AA: adjusted =0.046 and CC vs AC/AA: adjusted =0.031). The stratified analyses also found that IGF2BP2  rs4402960 G>T polymorphism decreased the risk of NSCLC in some subgroups (female subgroup: TT vs GG: adjusted =0.031 and TT vs GT/GG: adjusted =0.026; <60 subgroup: TT vs GG: adjusted =0.037 and TT vs GT/GG: adjusted =0.038; and never drinking subgroup: TT vs GT/GG: adjusted =0.046). Haplotype analysis indicated Ars1470579Crs2270628Grs3110697Grs4402960Ars6953668 haplotype decreased susceptibility of NSCLC (=0.007).
Conclusion: Our study suggests that IGF2BP2  rs1470579 A>C, rs4402960 G>T single-nucleotide polymorphisms are candidates for decreased susceptibility to NSCLC among female, <60 years, and never drinking subgroups. In the future, more case–control studies with functional analysis are needed to confirm these preliminary findings.
Keywords: IGFBP3, IGF2BP2, polymorphism, haplotype, risk, NSCLC

Table 8 Stratified analyses between IGFBP3 rs3110697 G>A polymorphism and...