


Authors Hong GL, Zhao HL, Deng HH, Yang HJ, Peng HP, Liu YH, Chen W

Received 18 March 2018

Accepted for publication 7 June 2018

Published 24 August 2018 Volume 2018:13 Pages 4807—4815

DOI https://doi.org/10.2147/IJN.S168570

Checked for plagiarism Yes

Review by Single-blind

Peer reviewers approved by Dr Farooq Shiekh

Peer reviewer comments 4

Editor who approved publication: Dr Lei Yang

Background: The preparation and biological applications of ultra-small graphene quantum dots (GQDs) with accurate-controlled size are of great significance. 
Methods: Here in, we report a novel procedure involving pyrolysis of trisodium citrate and subsequent ultrafiltration for fabricating monolayer GQDs with ultra-small lateral size (1.3±0.5 nm). 
Results: The GQDs exhibit blue photoluminescence with peak position independent of excitation wavelength. The quantum yield of GQDs is measured to be 3.6%, and the average fluorescence lifetime is 2.78 ns. 
Conclusion: Because of high stability and low toxicity, GQDs are demonstrated to be excellent bioimaging agents. The ultra-small GQDs can not only distribute in the cytoplasm but also penetrate into the nuclei. We ensure that this work will add a new dimension to the application of graphene materials for nanomedicine.
Keywords: graphene quantum dots, fluorescence, cell imaging, trisodium citrate, pyrolysis

Scheme 1 Processing diagram for the preparation of photoluminescent GQDs.