IF 收录期刊
使用抗原缀合的 Au@Pt 纳米棒作为纳米酶探针用于诊断风疹病毒
Authors Zhang T, Tian F, Long L, Liu JB, Wu XC
Received 17 April 2018
Accepted for publication 5 June 2018
Published 23 August 2018 Volume 2018:13 Pages 4795—4805
DOI https://doi.org/10.2147/IJN.S171429
Checked for plagiarism Yes
Review by Single-blind
Peer reviewers approved by Dr Cristina Weinberg
Peer reviewer comments 3
Editor who approved publication: Dr Linlin Sun
Background: As nanotechnology advances rapidly, the nanozymes which could replace protein enzymes in bioanalytical assays bring a new opportunity to the development of simple and sensitive diagnostic tools.
Purpose: Antibody-conjugated Au-Pt core/shell nanorods (Au@Pt NRs) have been used for nanozyme probes for diagnosis of rubella virus. Au@Pt NRs, prepared by Au nanorod-mediated growth, exhibit peroxidase-like activities and could serve as an inexpensive replacement for horseradish peroxidase (HRP) in conjugation of antigen.
Method: Using a capture enzyme-linked immunosorbant assay for the determination of rubella virus.
Results: Compared with antibody-conjugated HRP, the antigen-conjugated Au@Pt NRs are more stable and more robust, but less expensive. Based on the enhanced catalytic properties of this nanozyme probe, it was found that the antigen-conjugated Au@Pt NRs-based enzyme-linked immunosorbant assay exhibited good sensitivity.
Conclusion: Our results indicate that these antigen-conjugated Au@Pt NRs represent a suitable nanozyme probe for future clinical applications under various conditions.
Keywords: gold nanorods, nanozyme, antigen conjugation, rubella virus, diagnosis