
RRBP1 在食管癌中的表达及意义


Authors Wang L, Wang M, Zhang M, Li X, Zhu Z, Wang H

Received 24 November 2017

Accepted for publication 18 January 2018

Published 17 May 2018 Volume 2018:10 Pages 1243—1249

DOI https://doi.org/10.2147/CMAR.S158013

Checked for plagiarism Yes

Review by Single-blind

Peer reviewers approved by Dr Cristina Weinberg

Peer reviewer comments 2

Editor who approved publication: Professor Nakshatri

Objective: This study was to investigate the expression and clinical significance of RRBP1 in esophageal carcinoma. 
Materials and methods: RRBP1 expression was detected in 120 esophageal carcinoma and matched adjacent normal tissues, and the relationship of RRBP1 with clinicopathological characteristics and prognosis was analyzed. 
Results: RRBP1 was highly expressed in esophageal carcinoma tissues compared with matched adjacent normal tissues (<0.05). Moreover, RRBP1 expression was associated with T stage, lymph node metastasis, and TNM stage in esophageal carcinoma (<0.05). Survival analysis revealed that RRBP1, T stage, lymph node metastasis, and TNM stage were significantly associated with patients’ prognosis. 
Conclusion: RRBP1 is highly expressed in esophageal carcinoma and can serve as a potential biomarker to predict patients’ prognosis.
Keywords: RRBP1, prognosis, esophageal carcinoma, survival analysis

Figure 3 Kaplan–Meier survival analysis.