


Authors Yang W, Li Y, Qin F

Published Date February 2015 Volume 2015:8 Pages 141—151

DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.2147/MDER.S73639

Received 2 September 2014, Accepted 16 December 2014, Published 16 February 2015

Abstract: To actively maneuver a robotic capsule for interactive diagnosis in the gastrointestinal tract, visualizing accurate position and orientation of the capsule when it moves in the gastrointestinal tract is essential. A possible method that encloses the circuits, batteries, imaging device, etc into the capsule looped by an axially magnetized permanent-magnet ring is proposed. Based on expression of the axially magnetized permanent-magnet ring's magnetic fields, a localization and orientation model was established. An improved hybrid strategy that combines the advantages of particle-swarm optimization, clone algorithm, and the Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm was found to solve the model. Experiments showed that the hybrid strategy has good accuracy, convergence, and real time performance.
Keywords: localization, permanent-magnet ring, robotic capsule, hybrid strategy