


Authors Huang H, Chen L

Published Date February 2015 Volume 2015:3 Pages 23—30

DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.2147/JN.S74139

Received 14 September 2014, Accepted 26 September 2014, Published 2 February 2015

Abstract: Neurorestoration, or restoration of neurological function, can be achieved by different strategies through a series of neurorestorative mechanisms, including neuroprotection, neuromodulation, neuroplasticity, immunomodulation, axonal regeneration and sprouting, remyelination or neurorepair, neuroregeneration or neurogenesis, and neuroreplacement. Unfortunately, these mechanisms have been studied and viewed in isolation. The aim of this review is to generalize all attacking insults and restoring mechanisms as a complete neurorestorative process, then analyze the changing process of dynamic interaction between neural insults and restorative mechanisms, and highlight neurorestorative law, ie, “smaller or larger self-restoration always occurs by nature while facing insults, active and appropriate medical intervention is able to better restore functions and/or structures”. This review also briefly describes several important neurorestorative mechanisms.
Keywords: neurorestoration, strategies, mechanisms, neurorestorative process, neurorestorative law, neurorestoratology