


Authors Huang HY, Chen L, Sanberg PR

Published Date February 2015 Volume 2015:3 Pages 31—38

DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.2147/JN.S74138

Received 14 September 2014, Accepted 8 October 2014, Published 11 February 2015

Approved for publication by Prof. Dr. Hari Shanker Sharma

Abstract: The aim of neurorestoratology is to restore, promote and maintain the integrity of impaired or lost neuronal functions and/or structures, using novel cell-based comprehensive neurorestorative strategies. The purpose of this review is to briefly introduce the developing history of neurorestoratology, which includes neurorestorative strategies, the basis of central nervous system neurorestorable theory, communities in the field of neurorestoratology, and journals related to neurorestoratology.

Keywords: neurorestoration, neurorestorative strategies, CNS neurorestorable theory