


Authors Guan QG, Chen W, Hu XM

Published Date February 2015 Volume 2015:9 Pages 791—798

DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.2147/DDDT.S76676

Received 30 October 2014, Accepted 4 December 2014, Published 10 February 2015

Approved for publication by Dr Wei Duan

Background: A novel lovastatin (LVT)-loaded poly(lactic acid) microsphere suitable for oral administration was developed in this study, and in vitro and in vivo characteristics were evaluated.
Methods: The designed microspheres were obtained by an improved emulsion-solvent evaporation method. The morphological examination, particle size, encapsulation ratio, drug loading, and in vitro release were characterized. Pharmacokinetics studies were used to show that microspheres possess more advantages than the conventional formulations.
Results: By using the emulsion-solvent evaporation method, it was simple to prepare microspheres and easy to scale up production. The morphology of formed microspheres showed a spherical shape with a smooth surface, without any particle aggregation. Mean size of the microspheres was 2.65±0.69 µm; the encapsulation efficiency was 92.5%±3.6%, and drug loading was 16.7%±2.1%. In vitro release indicated that the LVT microspheres had a well-sustained release efficacy, and ex vivo studies showed that after LVT was loaded to microspheres, the area under the plasma concentration-time curve from zero to the last measurable plasma concentration point and the extrapolation to time infinity increased significantly, which represented 2.63-fold and 2.49-fold increases, respectively, compared to suspensions. The rate of ex vivo clearance was significantly reduced.
Conclusion: This research proved that poly(lactic acid) microspheres can significantly prolong the drug circulation time in vivo and can also significantly increase the relative bioavailability of the drug.

Keywords: lovastatin, microspheres, PLA, in vitro release, pharmacokinetics