IF 收录期刊
Authors Nabar GM, Mahajan KD, Calhoun MA, Duong AD, Souva MS, Xu J, Czeisler C, Puduvalli VK, Otero JJ, Wyslouzil BE, Winter JO
Received 24 May 2017
Accepted for publication 15 July 2017
Published 10 January 2018 Volume 2018:13 Pages 351—366
DOI https://doi.org/10.2147/IJN.S142079
Checked for plagiarism Yes
Review by Single-blind
Peer reviewers approved by Professor Murali Yallapu
Peer reviewer comments 2
Editor who approved publication: Dr Thomas J Webster
Purpose: Poly(lactic-co -glycolic acid)
(PLGA) is widely used for drug delivery because of its biocompatibility,
ability to solubilize a wide variety of drugs, and tunable degradation.
However, achieving sub-100 nm nanoparticles (NPs), as might be desired for
delivery via the enhanced permeability and retention effect, is extremely
difficult via typical top-down emulsion approaches.
Methods: Here, we present a bottom-up synthesis method
yielding PLGA/block copolymer hybrids (ie, “PolyDots”), consisting of
hydrophobic PLGA chains entrapped within self-assembling poly(styrene-b -ethylene oxide) (PS-b -PEO) micelles.
Results: PolyDots exhibit average diameters <50 nm and lower
polydispersity than conventional PLGA NPs. Drug encapsulation efficiencies of
PolyDots match conventional PLGA NPs (ie, ~30%) and are greater than those
obtained from PS-b -PEO micelles (ie, ~7%).
Increasing the PLGA:PS-b -PEO weight ratio
alters the drug release mechanism from chain relaxation to erosion controlled.
PolyDots are taken up by model glioma cells via endocytotic mechanisms within
24 hours, providing a potential means for delivery to cytoplasm. PolyDots can
be lyophilized with minimal change in morphology and encapsulant functionality,
and can be produced at scale using electrospray.
Conclusion: Encapsulation of PLGA within micelles provides a
bottom-up route for the synthesis of sub-100 nm PLGA-based nanocarriers with
enhanced stability and drug-loading capacity, and tunable drug release,
suitable for potential clinical applications.
Keywords: PLGA, nanoparticles,
micelles, drug delivery, hydrophobic drug, block copolymer, glioma,