
普鲁兰包裹的磷脂和普卢兰尼克 F68 复合纳米粒子装载 IR780 和紫杉醇,用于在光热疗法/光动力疗法和化学疗法相结合中治疗肝细胞癌


Authors Wang D, Zhang SP, Zhang T, Wan GY, Chen BW, Xiong QQ, Zhang J, Zhang WX, Wang YS

Received 28 July 2017

Accepted for publication 22 October 2017

Published 5 December 2017 Volume 2017:12 Pages 8649—8670

DOI https://doi.org/10.2147/IJN.S147591

Checked for plagiarism Yes

Review by Single-blind

Peer reviewers approved by Dr Lakshmi Kiran Chelluri

Peer reviewer comments 3

Editor who approved publication: Dr Lei Yang

Abstract: IR780, a near-infrared dye, can also be used as a photosensitizer both for photothermal therapy (PTT) and photodynamic therapy (PDT). In this study, we designed a simple but effective nanoparticle system for carrying IR780 and paclitaxel, thus hoping to combine PTT/PDT and chemotherapy to treat hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). This nanosystem, named PDF nanoparticles, consisted of phospholipid/Pluronic F68 complex nanocores and pullulan shells. IR780 and paclitaxel were loaded separately into PDF nanoparticles to form PDFI and PDFP nanoparticles, which had regular sphere shapes and relatively small sizes. Upon near-infrared laser irradiation at 808 nm, PDFI nanoparticles showed strong PTT/PDT efficacy both in vitro and in vivo. In MHCC-97H cells, the combined treatment of PDFI nanoparticles/laser irradiation and PDFP nanoparticles exhibited significant synergistic effects on inhibiting cell proliferation and inducing cell apoptosis and cell cycle arrest at G2/M phase. In MHCC-97H tumor-bearing mice, PDFI nanoparticles exhibited excellent HCC-targeting and accumulating capability after intravenous injection. Furthermore, the combined treatment of PDFI nanoparticles/laser irradiation and PDFP nanoparticles also effectively inhibited the tumor growth and the tumor angiogenesis in MHCC-97H tumor-bearing mice. In summary, we put forward a therapeutic strategy for HCC treatment by combining PTT/PDT and chemotherapy.
Keywords: hepatocellular carcinoma, IR780, paclitaxel, combination therapy, nanoparticle