IF 收录期刊
Authors Han JY, Li Y, Wang XM
Received 10 August 2017
Accepted for publication 25 September 2017
Published 5 December 2017 Volume 2017:13 Pages 2935—2943
DOI https://doi.org/10.2147/NDT.S148824
Checked for plagiarism Yes
Review by Single-blind
Peer reviewers approved by Dr Lucy Goodman
Peer reviewer comments 3
Editor who approved publication: Professor Wai Kwong Tang
Objective: The current study aimed to explore the association of single nucleotide
polymorphisms (SNPs) within catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT ) and dopamine receptors with
schizophrenia and genetic association with risperidone treatment response.
Methods: A total of 690 schizophrenic patients (case group)
were selected and 430 healthy people were included as the controls. All
patients received risperidone treatment continuously for 8 weeks. Next,
peripheral venous blood samples were collected and were subjected to polymerase
chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism to amplify and genotype
the SNPs within COMT and
dopamine receptors. Then, correlation analysis was conducted between Positive
and Negative Syndrome Scale improvement rates and SNPs within COMT and the dopamine
receptor gene.
Results: The allele of DRD1 rs11749676
(A) emerged as a key element in reducing schizophrenia risk with statistical
significance (P <0.001). Remarkably, alleles
of COMT rs165774 (G), DRD2 rs6277 (T), and DRD3 rs6280 (C) were
associated with raised predisposition to schizophrenia (all P <0.001). Regarding DRD1 rs11746641, DRD1 rs11749676, DRD2 rs6277, and DRD3 rs6280, the case group
exhibited a lesser frequency of heterozygotes in comparison with wild
homozygotes genotype (all P <0.001). SNPs (COMT rs4680, DRD2 rs6275, DRD2 rs1801028, and DRD2 rs6277) were remarkably
associated with improvement rates of PANSS total scores (P <0.05). SNPs (COMT rs165599 and DRD2 rs1801028) were
significantly associated with risperidone efficacy on negative symptoms (P <0.05).
Conclusion: COMT SNPs and
dopamine receptor SNPs were correlated with prevalence of schizophrenia and
risperidone treatment efficacy of schizophrenia.
Keywords: schizophrenia,
catechol-O-methyltransferase, dopamine receptor gene, single nucleotide
polymorphisms, risperidone