IF 收录期刊
Authors Krakow BJ, Obando JJ, Ulibarri VA, McIver ND
Received 2 August 2017
Accepted for publication 3 October 2017
Published 20 November 2017 Volume 2017:11 Pages 1923—1932
DOI https://doi.org/10.2147/PPA.S148099
Checked for plagiarism Yes
Review by Single-blind
Peer reviewers approved by Dr Colin Mak
Peer reviewer comments 2
Editor who approved publication: Dr Johnny Chen
objectives: Patients with comorbid posttraumatic
stress disorder (PTSD) and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) manifest low adherence
to continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) due to fixed, pressure-induced
expiratory pressure intolerance (EPI), a subjective symptom and objective sign
aggravated by anxiety sensitivity and somatosensory amplification. As advanced
PAP therapy modes (ie, auto-bilevel PAP [ABPAP] or adaptive servo-ventilation
[ASV]) may address these side effects, we hypothesized such treatment would be
associated with decreased expiratory intolerance and increased adherence in
posttraumatic stress patients with co-occurring OSA.
Methods: We reviewed charts of 147 consecutive adult patients with
moderately severe posttraumatic stress symptoms and objectively diagnosed OSA.
All patients failed or rejected CPAP and were manually titrated on
auto-adjusting, dual-pressure ABPAP or ASV modes in the sleep laboratory, a
technique to eliminate flow limitation breathing events while resolving EPI.
Patients were then prescribed either mode of therapy. Follow-up encounters
assessed patient use, and objective data downloads (ODDs) measured adherence.
Results: Of 147 charts reviewed, 130 patients were deemed current PAP users, and
102 provided ODDs: 64 used ASV and 38 used ABPAP. ODDs yielded three groups: 59
adherent per insurance conventions, 19 subthreshold compliant partial users,
and 24 noncompliant. Compliance based on available downloads was 58%, notably
higher than recently reported rates in PTSD patients with OSA. Among the 19 partial
users, 17 patients were minutes of PAP use or small percentages of nights
removed from meeting insurance compliance criteria for PAP devices.
Conclusion: Research is warranted on advanced PAP modes in managing CPAP failure in
PTSD patients with comorbid OSA. Subthreshold adherence constructs may inform
clinical care in a patient-centric model distinct from insurance conventions.
Speculatively, clinical application of this transitional zone (“subthreshold”
number of hours) may increase PAP use and eventual adherence.
Keywords: obstructive sleep apnea, upper airway resistance syndrome, CPAP,
compliance, auto-bilevel, adaptive servo-ventilation