
circRNA0003906 在结直肠癌中的表达谱及临床意义


Authors Zhuo F, Lin HS, Chen ZX, Huang ZJ, Hu JP

Received 26 July 2017

Accepted for publication 27 September 2017

Published 25 October 2017 Volume 2017:10 Pages 5187—5193

DOI https://doi.org/10.2147/OTT.S147378

Checked for plagiarism Yes

Review by Single-blind

Peer reviewers approved by Dr Colin Mak

Peer reviewer comments 5

Editor who approved publication: Dr Carlos Vigil Gonzales

Abstract: Colorectal cancer (CRC) remains a major health problem worldwide and the detailed mechanisms of CRC still need further understanding. Circular RNAs (circRNAs), a special class of endogenous RNAs, have emerged recently as a new potential player in governing fundamental biological process and cancer progression. In this study, we chose circRNA0003906 as a targeted circRNA to evaluate its expression pattern and clinical value in CRC patients. circRNA0003906 expression level in 6 CRC cell lines and 122 paired CRC tissues was measured by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction. Then, the potential correlation between circRNA0003906 expression level and clinicopathological factors of CRC patients was analyzed. Additionally, a receiver operating characteristic curve was built to evaluate the diagnostic value of circRNA0003906. Our results showed that circRNA0003906 expression level was dramatically downregulated in both CRC tissues and cell lines. Moreover, the downregulation of circRNA0003906 level significantly correlated with lymphatic metastasis and poor differentiation. In addition, the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of circRNA0003906 for CRC was 0.818 (<0.001). Taking consideration of all of these results, circRNA0003906 may be potentially involved in the colorectal cancerogenesis and serve as a potential biomarker for the diagnosis and treatment of CRC.
Keywords: circular RNA, circRNA0003906, colorectal cancer, biomarker