IF 收录期刊
Authors Kopelowicz A, Baker RA, Zhao C, Brewer C, Lawson E, Peters-Strickland T
Received 2 June 2017
Accepted for publication 7 August 2017
Published 19 October 2017 Volume 2017:13 Pages 2641—2651
DOI https://doi.org/10.2147/NDT.S143091
Checked for plagiarism Yes
Review by Single-blind
Peer reviewers approved by Dr Amy Norman
Peer reviewer comments 4
Editor who approved publication: Dr Roger Pinder
Background: Medication nonadherence is common in the treatment of serious mental
illness (SMI) and leads to poor outcomes. The digital medicine system (DMS)
objectively measures adherence with oral aripiprazole in near-real time,
allowing recognition of adherence issues. This pilot study evaluated the
functionality of an integrated call center in optimizing the use of the DMS.
Materials and
methods: An 8-week, open-label,
single-arm trial at four US sites enrolled adults with bipolar I disorder,
major depressive disorder, and schizophrenia on stable oral aripiprazole doses
and willing to use the DMS (oral aripiprazole + ingestible event marker [IEM],
IEM-detecting skin patch, and software application). Integrated call-center
functionality was assessed based on numbers and types of calls. Ingestion
adherence with prescribed treatment (aripiprazole + IEM) during good patch wear
and proportion of time with good patch wear (days with ≥80% patch data or
detected IEM) were also assessed.
Results: All enrolled patients (n=49) used the DMS and were included in
analyses; disease duration overall approached 10 years. For a duration of 8
weeks, 136 calls were made by patients, and a comparable 160 calls were made to
patients, demonstrating interactive communication. The mean (SD) number of
calls made by patients was 2.8 (3.5). Approximately half of the inbound calls
made by patients occurred during the first 2 weeks and were software
application- or patch-related. Mean ingestion adherence was 88.6%, and
corresponding good patch wear occurred on 80.1% of study days.
Conclusion: In this pilot study, the integrated call center facilitated DMS
implementation in patients with SMI on stable doses of oral aripiprazole. In
clinical practice, the call center and the DMS will facilitate objective
measurement of adherence and potentially improve rates of adherence in patients
with SMI.
Keywords: schizophrenia, bipolar I disorder, major depressive disorder, digital
medicine, adherence