IF 收录期刊
Authors Riou-Comte N, Mione G, Humbertjean L, Ottenin MA, Lacour JC, Richard S
Received 6 April 2017
Accepted for publication 21 June 2017
Published 26 August 2017 Volume 2017:12 Pages 1355—1362
DOI https://doi.org/10.2147/CIA.S138980
Checked for plagiarism Yes
Review by Single-blind
Peer reviewers approved by Dr Colin Mak
Peer reviewer comments 3
Editor who approved publication: Dr Richard Walker
Objective: Spontaneous cervical artery dissection (CAD) is a cerebrovascular
disease typically considered to affect the young population. Literature reports
cases in the elderly only as incidental findings, making the diagnosis unlikely
in older patients. Incidence and pathogeny in this specific population remain
to be assessed.
Methods: We reviewed patients aged over 70 years admitted
for spontaneous CAD in the Stroke Unit of the University Hospital of Nancy
(northeastern France) over a period of 12 years as well as all reported cases
in literature.
Results: During this period, only two patients aged over
70 years were diagnosed with internal carotid artery dissection in our center.
The first patient was diagnosed with the typical radiological feature of long
tapered stenosis due to mural hematoma. The second patient presented with the
classic painful Horner syndrome. Literature review identified only two case
reports and eight studies with an age range above 70 years. Headache was
present in nearly all documented cases. Radiological features were the same as
those usually described in younger patients.
Conclusions: Even if spontaneous CAD in patients aged over 70
years would appear to be rare, it does occur with comparable clinical and
radiological features as in the younger population. CAD is probably
underdiagnosed in this population due to a higher prevalence of more common
causes of stroke at this age. However, a simple investigation into headache or
the Horner syndrome during the patient’s diagnostic workup would lead to
adapted exploration of cervical arteries and improve detection of CAD in the
Keywords: cerebral
infarction, elderly, false aneurysm, Horner syndrome, old patients, spontaneous
cervical artery dissection