


Authors Fu C, Zhou H, Wang Y, Liu D, Li J, Deng H, Qi X, Chen T, Zhang LM, Li G

Received 15 December 2016

Accepted for publication 20 March 2017

Published 27 April 2017 Volume 2017:12 Pages 3365—3374

DOI https://doi.org/10.2147/IJN.S130322

Checked for plagiarism Yes

Review by Single-blind

Peer reviewers approved by Dr Thiruganesh Ramasamy

Peer reviewer comments 2

Editor who approved publication: Dr Lei Yang

Abstract: The intraoperative precision cleaning of lymph nodes (LNs) is an essential component of treating neoplastic disease. To develop efficient probes for the targeted detection of LNs that could act as carriers for the specific diagnosis and treatment of metastatic LNs in the future, dextran-coated iron oxide nanoclusters (DIONs) were synthesized using a one-pot coprecipitation procedure. These modified DIONs have good water dispersibility, cytocompatibility, an optimum size, and a stable, dark brown color for LN imaging. In this study, cytotoxicity was evaluated using lymphatic endothelial cells (LECs) to predict biosafety and biocompatibility. Most importantly, the effectiveness of DIONs in mapping perigastric LNs in Sprague Dawley rats following injection into the gastric submucosal layer was demonstrated. In addition, a long-term tracing in vivo (from 4 days to 3 months) indicated that the DIONs had good biosafety and biocompatibility according to an evaluation of the behavior and blood biochemistry of the rat and a histopathological examination of the important organs.
Keywords: dextran-coated iron oxide nanoclusters, lymph node mapping, biosafety, lymphatic endothelial cells