IF 收录期刊
Authors Yang J, Xu H, Liang X, Lv S, Lin B, Jia Y
Received 28 November 2016
Accepted for publication 2 March 2017
Published 18 April 2017 Volume 2017:10 Pages 2189—2198
DOI https://doi.org/10.2147/OTT.S128849
Checked for plagiarism Yes
Review by Single-blind
Peer reviewers approved by Dr Colin Mak
Peer reviewer comments 2
Editor who approved publication: Dr XuYu Yang
Abstract: We aimed to systematically evaluate the association between allergic
conditions and the risk of Hodgkin’s lymphoma (HL) and non-HL (NHL). Systematic
literature searches in PubMed and Embase were conducted up to October 2015 to
identify eligible studies. Either a fixed-effects model or a random-effects
model was adopted to estimate overall odds ratios (ORs) according to
heterogeneity across studies. Subgroup and publication bias analyses were
applied. A total of 24 case–control studies and 13 cohort studies (conducted
from 1987 to 2015) were included in the analysis of the risk of NHL. History of
any allergic condition was inversely associated with the risk of NHL in
case–control studies (OR =0.83, 95% CI 0.76–0.91), while the reduction in
the risk of NHL was not observed in cohort studies (OR =1.18, 95% CI
0.98–1.42). Significant association with the risk of NHL was found for asthma,
hay fever, food allergy, allergic rhinitis, and hives. In the pooled analysis
of the risk of HL, 12 studies (two were cohort studies) were included. The
pooled OR was 0.96 (95% CI 0.84–1.09) for case–control studies and 1.46 (95% CI
0.63–3.38) for cohort studies. For specific allergic condition, we observed a
reduced risk of HL in individuals with hay fever and food allergy. In
conclusion, history of any allergic condition was not significantly associated
with the risk of NHL or HL. Several specific allergic conditions, including
asthma, hay fever, food allergy, and allergic rhinitis, might be associated
with a reduced risk of NHL, while individuals with hay fever or food allergy
may have a reduced risk of HL.
Keywords: allergic condition, non-Hodgkin’s
lymphoma, Hodgkin’s lymphoma, risk